Digital Signature
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With Leegality, Indian businesses can remove the paper from their paperwork

Paperwork costs your business time, money and productivity. It’s time to change this.Leegality allows your business to quickly deploy electronic signing, stamping, fraud-proofing and automation across all your paperwork processes in a fast, easy and compliant way

ISO 27001 Certified
SOC 2 Compliant

Presenting Leegality Document Infrastructure

Everything your business needs to digitize each and every touchpoint in your document execution process, all under one roof


Get documents signed with 15+ eSign types. A robust backup system ensures uptime when everyone else faces downtime.


Digitally stamp documents in 29+ States/UTs with compliant digital stamp paper or NeSL "on-the-fly" eStamping

Document Fraud Prevention

Prevent eSign fraud and ensure enforceability with features like Secure Audit Trail, Geofencing, 2FA and Face Match

Document Assembly

Create templates in minutes. Pre-populate documents from your own systems to avoid fraud and eliminate errors

Document Operations

Digitally manage operational steps, like collecting supporting documents, updating stakeholders and getting authorized signatory signs

Paperwork Automation

Business and Ops teams can automate creation, execution and storage of documents with zero IT/tech involvement


Minimize drop offs with accessibility customizations like Custom Branding, Local Language Flows (including Consent), eSign via WhatsApp and more

Document Services Team

A round-the-clock team helps you meet go-live timelines, conduct training, resolve issues and enhance ROI

Paperwork Analytics

Get detailed Analytics and MIS Reports that help you monitor consumption, analyze drop offs and generate actionable ROI data


Enterprise Grade Aadhaar

Aadhaar eSign via OTP, IRIS, Biometric & NeSL - with multiple ESP Backups to ensure minimum downtime.

Automated Signatures for authorised signatories

Stop chasing your authorised signatories around. Use Leegality DocSigner or Automated Virtual Sign instead

eSign with Physical Signatures

Collect exact signatures digitally and match them with specimen signatures

eSign via fingerprint

Customer doesn’t have a signature? No problem. Collect signatures via Aadhaar biometric or Secure Fingerprint capture

Secure & Enforceable Virtual

Signers doesn’t have a linked Aadhaar? Use our virtual signatures - backed by secure authentication

Corporate eSign via DSC &
Cloud DSC

Offer signers the option to sign with their DSC - or our new token-less option - Cloud DSC

Automation AI

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Analytics & Insights

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Cloud Infastructure

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Fast & Secure Platform

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Sample Use Cases

While Leegality can be used for ANY document (except for those listed in Schedule I of the IT Act) - here’s a sample of some of our popular use cases/industries
Accelerate loan disbursals and save thousands of man-hours per day
Transform your banking paperwork with Leegality’s full-stack document infrastructure tailor-made for the unique needs of banks
Get account opening documents eSigned and DDPIs eStamped with a single integration
Human Resource Departments
Streamline HR operations by digitizing employee
See if digital paperwork is viable in your organization
Do a one-time signing of documents due to regulations
Quickly deploy digital paperwork in your business

Do you want to do either of these things?

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