Document Management System
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Cloud DMS streamlines networking workflows, manages the initial snapshot & ongoing replication & provides a status of the migration operations.
Our bots can record user interactions and play them back repetitively, extract data from websites, extract data from invoices, migrate data from one data store to another, perform validation checks on user supplied data, and convert unstructured text into structured forms.
Digitization of usual business processes allows users to use their computers to view assigned tasks, view related documents, approve or reject tasks, or delegate tasks; automated business process management increases productivity, accountability, and provides real-time status information.
Our MDM module allows metadata from different systems to be integrated in our platform so that search and retrieval of associated information can be performed from one system; by integrating IT ecosystem at the database level, significant efficiencies can be realized.
In many organizations contracts management is important especially when they are mandated by law - creating contracts, maintaining contracts, and reminding when contracts are about to expire will help these organizations greatly; our platform provides integrated collaborative creating and editing documents in common formats.
Legal community requires all information about their cases at their fingertips including the ability to create, edit, and share case documents with all stakeholders including their customers; our platform allows lawyers, attorneys, paralegals, and legal assistants to develop, maintain, and collaborate on legal matters effortlessly using pre-built workflows.
HR usually accumulates documents for tracking employee growth and compliance with regulations; our platform is specifically designed to handle HR requirements by allowing special categories of documents to be created that permits viewing of missing documents on one click, uploading organizational charts for hierarchical rights assignment, and for searching through documents.
At the core of any company are numerous documents encased in files - corresponding digital versions can be stored in our platform so that precious real-estate for physical files and documents may be saved; moreover, simultaneous access of the same document and easy search of contents are also possible.
Managing vendors can become tedious if there are several of them and several invoices are raised by each - our platform has built-in vendor portal that allows each authorized vendor to raise bills which automatically triggers the payment workflow; each vendor can monitor the status of pending payments on their dashboards.
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An essential part of modern businesses is to be able to send information to stakeholders from the platform itself - our platform allows emails and messages to be sent from the application itself with links to any attachment; this significantly reduces bandwidth consumed and provides audit tracking; moreover, our platform is single sign-on (SSO) enabled.
PII has become important with the adoption of enhanced privacy laws by several countries including the GDPR. PII module in our platform allows users to select data items as PII and those data items will then be displayed, stored, and transmitted in an encrypted format.
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The next generation of manufacturing processes will used advanced technology and networking for improved productivity and decision-making; our computer-vision enabled gear-mesh quality verifier allows extremely fast testing using a smartphone that is integrated with SCADA system.
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Office365, Google Drive & OnlyOffice INTEGRATION
Our platform is integrated with Office365, Google Drive, and OnlyOffice, allowing creating and editing of documents in the Microsoft Office suite including Word, Excel, and Powerpoint; being technical partners with OnlyOffice, we are able to provide collaborative editing facility on the Intranet as well.
Core Features
Centralised data
dMACQ DMS provides detailed capabilities to organize data for any organization. Both bulk & automated data uploads are made available through easy to use interfaces. dMACQ provides several APIs for easy integration options for organizations
& reports
Every user has rights to configure their own dashboard information. Automated reports can be generated based on user-defined criteria
Intuitive search
dMACQ DMS has multiple distinct pre-organized searches for quick retrieval of information. Users can define and book-mark search criteria
Advance pdf
dMACQ PDF manager provides advanced tools for page insertions, annotations, digital signatures, automated re-indexing and related advanced controls
Content based
dMACQ OCR engine supports over 130 languages. dMACQ experts understand and customize the use of OCR technology for optimal data capturing & search needs
dMACQ metadata structuring engine allows organizations to define and efficiently use/re-use metadata across organizations' information bank. This also leads to optimal and efficient search and retrieval
E-file set
dMACQ DMS allows organisations to maintain file structure and file document sets in digital form and enables users to create their own compliance reports
dMACQ's contract management module allows users to manage entire contract/agreement life cycle; auto reminders of contracts' expiry and renewals are built-in; the module also maintains history of all agreements and their versions
Enables automatic workflow management by providing a dynamic user-configurable workflow engine. This engine allows assignment of roles, responsibilities & TAT's for individual worksteps. Examples include supplier invoice processing, claims/expense processing, and financial approval processes
Document version
Document version control maintains the historical versions of each document stored in the repository and users can tag each version with comments. DVC also provides check-in/check-out facility for simultaneous access of documents by a team and also maintains detailed audit logs
File movement
WFMT provides a five-tiered architecture to manage documents in the warehouse by co-tracking various physical documents with their corresponding electronic versions. Also provides facilities to log-in and log-out physical documents on DMS with approval and tracker systems
dMACQ EDMS allows users to store and manage engineering drawing files on the DMS. The EDMS module allows users to view the drawings, annotate and store versions and associate work-flows. All commonly used formats are supported
E@mail module
dMACQ DMS e-mail module allows organizations to centralize and store emails within the DMS for permanent archival, and tag them with relevant information for easy retrieval
HR module
dMACQ DMS Human Resources Module has special functionalities to replicate organization structure. Specially customized HR module provides compliance reporting, automated department/organization based access rights, and also hosts an employee self-service portal
Human Resources DMS
Key Features:
- Link to Human Resources Management System (HRMS)
- Employee Engagement
- Individual Employee Dashboard
- Mobile App for Employees
- Compliance Module
- Automated Emails
- VisualDMS: Customisable Reports, Analytics with Automated Report Scheduler
Legal DMS
Key Features:
- Case File Management
- Client File Management
- Version Control
- Opinion Management
- Task Management
- Compliance Module
- VisualDMS: Customisable Reports, Analytics with Automated Report Scheduler
Finance & Accounts DMS
Key Features:
- Link to Core Financial System (including ERPs)
- Master Management
- Transactions Master
- Vendor Invoice & Expense Claim Management
- Compliance Module
- Automated Emails
- VisualDMS: Customisable Reports, Analytics with Automated Report Scheduler
Contract Management System
Key Features:
- Link to Human Resources Management System (HRMS)
- Employee Engagement
- Individual Employee Dashboard
- Mobile App for Employees
- Compliance Module
- Automated Emails
- VisualDMS: Customisable Reports, Analytics with Automated Report Scheduler